The GDPR pitfalls your records management provider could be falling into.

December 23, 2022 | Elless Solutions Team

As a seemingly valued customer, most businesses would put faith in their record management company to effectively hit GDPR requirements – all at a reasonable market rate. If this sounds like your business, you could be in for a shock.

While completely avoidable, numerous businesses up and down the UK are unknowingly impacted by inadequate record management services every year. Elless Solutions was founded specifically to combat these record management woes felt by countless companies. We believe that organisations have a right to believe that, as a long-standing existing customer, their document storage provider is supplying them with the best commercial terms possible. Our goal is always the same: minimise spending and maximise profits.

So – what are some of the ways that record management services undervalue their clients?


Nobody likes paying over the odds. Unfortunately, overcharging is rife in the GDPR business. Many organisations correctly expect that GDPR compliance is being successfully met with a robust, legal data processing agreement in place. Even so, plenty of businesses unknowingly pay significantly over the market rate for document storage. Unacceptable doesn’t really cut it.

At Elless Solutions, this understanding informs all of our services, ensuring that you’re receiving effective GDPR compliance and customer service at reasonable market rates. Significant, long-term savings are there to be had, simply by swapping providers. It really could be that simple.

A missing legally compliant data processing agreement

Legally compliant data processing agreements are key between organisations (the ‘controller’) and the document storage provider (‘the processor’). This should be the foundation of any collaboration, but numerous document storage providers believe incorrectly that they are not a ‘processor’ and don’t need to bother with all that compliance stuff.

This level of incompetence can lead to a whole host of issues later down the road. That’s why Elless Solutions makes it compulsory to have these agreements in place, for the benefit of both the processor and controller.

Restriction and destruction of data

Many processors also believe that they have the right to restrict the destruction of data, as well as prevent its removal as per their pre-GDPR contracts. For the controller, this isn’t good news. An organisation, as per the law, has the responsibility for ensuring that its third-party processors have the correct data processing agreement in place. Trust us – the organisation getting into trouble won’t be the processor.

As you could well believe, there are hundreds of businesses around the country unknowingly stuck in this potentially disastrous position. A commercially and legally improved contract could not only deliver cost savings but also ensure up-to-date legal compliance, bolstering the ongoing relationship with their supplier. You don’t need us to tell you how big a difference that could make.


Unfortunately, there are organisations across the country entirely unaware of both the legal and money deficiencies of their current record management providers. Here at Elless, saving money is the name of the game, as our case studies prove. With over 50 years of experience, it’s safe to say that we know more than a bit about saving money with GDPR protection and record management.

If you think your business could benefit from resolving some of those GDPR pitfalls mentioned above, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by visiting our contacts page – we would love to hear from you.

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Contact us today to get started on the process. If you have any questions we will be more than happy to advise.

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Elless Solutions Team

Elless Solutions Team

In 2016, we created Elless to be the independent advisor that fills the gap and provides businesses with bespoke solutions, honest advice and cost-saving answers. Continue Reading...

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